- Year of manufacture: 1996
- Horas totales : 2.557,8 hs (al 25/03/2024)
- Empty weight: 952 Kg
- Maximum ramp weight: 1.639 kg
- Maximum cruising speed: 160 kias
- Usable fuel capacity: 386 lts
- Range with 45min reserve: 1.277 km
- Max Approved Altitude 20.000 feets / 6.096 mts
- Pressurized cabin: No
- Brand: Lycoming
- Model: IO-540-K1G5
- Power: 300 HP / 2.700 RPM
- Number of cylinders: 6
- TBO (tiempo entre overhaul): 2.000 hs / 12 Años
- Total hours: 546.7 hs (al 25/03/2024)
- Brand: Hartzell
- Model: HC-I3YR-1RF
- Tipo: 3 palas, velocidad constante
- Material: Aluminio
- TBO (tiempo entre overhaul): 2.400 hs / 6 Años
- Total hours: 2557.8 hs (al 25/03/2024)
- Autopilot: Bendix King KFC 150
- Transponder: Bendix King Modelo KT-71
- Audio panel: Garmin GMA 340
- Receptor ADS-B: Garmin receiver GLD 52
- Sensor de mapeo meteorológico: Strikefinder SF2000
- DME Bendix/King KN 62A TSD
- GPS Garmin GPSmap 296
- Dos YHF KX 165 TSO
- ADF Bendix/King KR 87 TSO
*The information provided is informative and may contain inadvertent errors. The precise information is found in the technical documentation of the aircraft. Hangar Uno SA makes the documentation available to be reviewed by clients in a purchase-sale operation, and recommends carrying out a pre-purchase inspection in appropriate cases.
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11 3213-3906
San Fernando International Airport
Av. Hipólito Yrigoyen, San Fernando, Province of Buenos Aires